50th Annual New York State Regional Graduate Mathematics Conference
Date: March 28 and 29, 2025
About the Conference
The Annual New York State Regional Graduate Mathematics Conference (ANYSRGMC) is the longest running graduate mathematics conference in the country and is organized entirely by graduate students. ANYSRGMC is a Mathematics conference dedicated to providing an opportunity for mathematics graduate students in any field to present their research or give an expository talk. The ANYSRGMC allows students from many fields and schools, who normally are not given a chance to interact, an opportunity to come together and explore a wide variety of mathematical topics simultaneously. Students have a unique chance to explore their interests, gain new insights across fields, and explore possible cross-disciplinary collaborative efforts. This is a unique opportunity for beginning graduate students to see a broad range of current mathematical research simultaneously and explore their interests. Though the focus of ANYSRGMC is on graduate students, advanced high school students or undergraduates, post-docs, and professors are welcome to attend and give talks. It is our goal to develop careers, broaden horizons, and engage the mathematics community at large. This year we are excited to celebrate 50 years of ANYSRGMC history with an extra session given by recent alumni of the Syracuse University Mathematics Department. We hope to see you at this extra special milestone conference!
Conference Registration & Funding
You may register for the 50th Annual New York State Regional Graduate Mathematics Conference at this link. Funding has been made possible by the National Science Foundation (NSF). The conference will make every effort to cover as much of the expenses for conference participants as possible. Underrepresented groups in Mathematics are especially encouraged to apply for funding. The funding registration deadline is January 24th, 2025. Should you require funding in order to attend the conference, do not make any arrangements until you are sure you will have sufficient support; there is no guarantee that anyone applying for funding will receive any support. Registration is open until the day of the conference; however, if you plan on giving a talk, you must submit your title and abstract by February 28th, 2025. If the deadline has passed but you wish to give a talk, please contact the organizers to check whether arrangements can be made.
Date, Location, & Format
The 50th Annual New York State Regional Graduate Mathematics Conference will be held on March 28th and 29th, 2025, in Carnegie Library at Syracuse University. The events on Friday March 28th will begin at 3:45pm and will continue all day on Saturday March 29th. This conference is supported by the Graduate Student Organization at Syracuse University and the American Mathematical Society. You can find Carnegie Library on Google maps at this link. The Syracuse University campus map is at this link.
The conference consists of two plenary talks, five recent SU alumni talks and an anticipated 30 graduate student talks given in parallel sessions. All graduate students at any stage of their graduate education are welcome and encouraged to give a 20-25 minute talk. Talks may be expository or on the student’s research.
Hotel & Parking
We have reserved a limited number of double rooms at the Parkview Hotel, which is within walking distance from Carnegie Library. If you would like to be considered for a hotel room, please indicate so on the registration form by the funding deadline. Priority will be given to participants who are giving a talk at the conference. You may also book your own hotel room (at the Parkview or elsewhere), which may be reimbursed as a part of your travel funding, if you are offered such.
There are a number of parking garages and other options on campus. On both Friday afternoon (after 3pm) and Saturday, you may park in the College Place Lot. On Friday afternoon, the College Place Lot may be limited, in which case you may also use the Women’s Building Lot. See the campus map link above for navigation to these lots. If you do not park in these lots, we recommend the University Avenue Garage or Irving Avenue Garage, both of which are a short walk to Carnegie Library. Of course, one can take an Uber or Lyft to travel about Syracuse.
Keynote Speakers
Ruth Charney
Guohui Song, 2009 Syracuse PhD alumnus
Recent Alumni Speakers
Nigar Altindis, 2021